7 Facts About Crack Addition

Crack cocaine is considered one of the most addictive drugs in the world. While no one can say for certain that a person will become addicted after just one dose of crack, the reality is that many people who have become addicted to crack report that their intense cravings for the drug started very soon after their first use of the potent drug.
This article explores the signs and symptoms of crack addiction. Why is crack so highly addictive? What treatment options are available for those battling crack addiction?
7 Facts about Crack Abuse
According to the National Drug Intelligence Center, more than six million Americans have used crack at least once in their lifetime. Crack is a form of crystallized cocaine. Cocaine comes in a powdered form and is made from the leaves of the coca plant, which is native to South America. The drug was originally developed as a pain reliever. The powder is typically cut with talcum powder or sugar and inhaled, rubbed on the gums, or sometimes injected. Cocaine produces a short-term euphoria followed by a plummeting level of energy as users come down from the drug.
Mixing powered cocaine with water and ammonia or water and baking soda, boiling it, and then separating and drying the solid “rocks” will make crack cocaine.
Here are seven things you should know about crack addiction:
- It’s called “crack” because of the popping sound it makes when it is smoked.
- Crack can inebriate the user within 10 to 15 seconds instead of the 15 minutes typical for many drugs.
- Crack works by stimulating the pleasure centers in the brain.
- As a result, it is one of the most psychologically addicting illicit drugs available today.
- Compulsive use expands quickly, with each high lasting a smaller amount of time.
- At the end of each five to 20-minute high, users experience plummeting depression, extreme edginess, and a craving for more of the drug.
- People who use crack even a few times are immediately at risk of heart attack or stroke.
Crack cocaine is an extremely addictive illegal substance. As it runs through the bloodstream, the user will feel energetic with a heightened sense of touch and smell. Briefly, colors will be brighter and excitement and a pleasurable feeling will occur. This quickly turns to anxiety and anxiousness and in some cases, aggression and delusional behavior can rapidly spiral the user out of control.
Drug Rehab for Crack Cocaine
Crack cocaine is insidious because it is cheap to produce. The extreme nature of its psychological addiction makes withdrawal very hard; breathing difficulties, anxiety, depression, irritability, and aggression typically occur. There are also long-term physical side effects from crack use that must be carefully monitored during rehab.
Finding the right residential treatment facility can make all the difference. Seattle drug rehab facilities such as The Recovery Village Ridgefield are skilled at handling both the physical and physiological treatment to ease these systems and help you recover. Antidepressants can be described to help with anxiety and regulate sleeping patterns. Several types of therapy can help those recovering from this terrible addiction to begin to normalize their lives and regain their health.
If you or any of your loved ones are struggling with addiction to crack, please do not hesitate to get help immediately. Contact us today to discuss your treatment options and begin your journey toward recovery.