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Crack Addiction Treatment and Rehab in Washington

Written by Renee Deveney

& Medically Reviewed by Stephanie Hairston, MSW

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Last Updated - 6/17/2022

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A resurgent crack cocaine epidemic is taking place in Washington and the rest of the United States. While the opioid crisis has captured headlines, few media outlets have covered the comeback of cocaine, which is the second-deadliest illicit drug in the United States and kills more African-Americans than heroin does. Cocaine overdose deaths are as frequent among black Americans as opioid overdose deaths are among white Americans.

These seemingly separate drug crises share deep connections. Overdose deaths have increased overall among Americans of every race, and the opioid crisis has played a role even for people who primarily use other classes of drugs. Crack cocaine laced with the potent synthetic opioid fentanyl caused a surge of overdose deaths in the United States and Canada.

Stigma and unexamined popular myths about crack cocaine can be an obstacle for people who would benefit from crack cocaine addiction treatment. The rapid onset and short duration of the active effects of crack cocaine make the cycle of addiction particularly intense for crack cocaine users, but as with any other drug, this cycle can be broken.

Recent research shows that over half of the people who participated in an intensive outpatient program for cocaine dependence were cocaine-free two years later. Another study showed that nearly two-thirds of people who were drug-free two years after completing treatment were still drug-free at the five-year mark.

Detailed data from 1990s Drug Abuse Treatment Outcome (DATOS) studies suggests that success rates are even higher for people with cocaine use disorders who participate in crack cocaine rehab programs including long-term residential and short-term inpatient treatment.

Crack Treatment

Cocaine withdrawal varies from opioid, barbiturate and benzodiazepine withdrawal in that it rarely produces severe medical complications. However, this does not mean that people do not need to detox from crack cocaine or that crack cocaine treatment does not include a detox phase in which acute withdrawal symptoms need to be monitored and treated.

Crack cocaine withdrawal symptoms are primarily psychological in nature but can be just as dangerous as medical complications. Extreme episodes of withdrawal dysphoria or depression can cause people to experience suicidal ideation, putting them at risk of harming themselves. Insomnia, a common effect of cocaine withdrawal, can intensify other psychiatric withdrawal effects and worsen symptoms of co-occurring mental health conditions. The most common crack withdrawal symptoms include the following:

  • Fatigue
  • Anxiety
  • Insomnia
  • Irritability
  • Drug cravings
  • Depressed mood
  • Increased appetite
  • Disturbing dreams
  • Physical agitation

The primary purpose of the first, or detoxification phase of crack cocaine treatment is to provide psychiatric monitoring to keep people safe. Interventions to alleviate uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms are also provided. People with cocaine use disorders do not usually need medically-supervised detoxification, but many facilities prescribe medications or use other methods to promote safety and facilitate treatment progress during this crucial phase.

Inpatient and Outpatient Crack Addiction Treatment

Types of treatment for substance use disorders vary based on program intensity, program length and whether participants stay overnight. Different levels of addiction care include:

  • Intensive outpatient programs
  • Partial hospitalization programs
  • Short-term inpatient treatment
  • Long-term residential treatment

In intensive outpatient programs, people usually meet for 2-3 treatment groups each week as well as weekly individual counseling sessions. Many outpatient programs also encourage participants to attend 12-step or other peer support groups in the community.

Partial hospitalization programs, also known as day treatment, have full schedules that last for 6-8 hours a day, five days a week. Intensive inpatient programs often follow the traditional 28-day format but may run for as little as two weeks or as long as six. Long-term residential treatment programs typically take six months to a year to complete.

The right level of care for crack addiction treatment depends on different factors. How long a person has been using crack cocaine, whether they have ever been in treatment before and factors surrounding the treatment admission, like medical or psychiatric crises, all help treating professionals determine whether a person needs inpatient or outpatient treatment.

Crack Addiction Treatment Centers in Washington

All levels of addiction care provide individual and group therapy for substance use disorders. Most programs also provide treatment for co-occurring mental health conditions. Some outpatient and most inpatient crack cocaine treatment centers provide additional wellness services to promote mental and physical healing from the stress and trauma of addiction.

Inpatient crack addiction treatment centers allow people to begin their recovery in a safe and secure environment. People often face stressors and triggers to use at home that can make it difficult to maintain abstinence from substance use during early recovery, a time when cravings are strongest. By completing an inpatient program in an addiction treatment center, people can gain stability in their recovery before returning home and facing these challenges.

Most inpatient programs work with clients to develop aftercare plans that address risk factors for relapse. In addition to making referrals to outpatient programs, clinicians can help clients identify local peer support groups. They may also help clients plan schedules to minimize exposure to triggers and increase involvement in positive, healthy activities. Many inpatient programs also offer free on-site aftercare groups and services for people who have completed their programs.

People looking for crack cocaine treatment centers in Washington have many options. Choosing a program is an important decision. Factors to consider when selecting a program include:

  • Whether the program is geographically accessible
  • Whether the program is financially feasible to attend
  • What treatment philosophy and methods the program uses
  • Whether the program offers aftercare services and what they cost
  • Whether the program provides treatment for co-occurring conditions
  • Whether other local clinicians and former clients recommend the program

Enrolling in a treatment program can be a life-saving decision. Financial considerations are important but should not prevent a person from reaching out and getting the care they need to address a substance use disorder. Many programs provide free telephone counseling to help people answer questions about treatment and to help them make the best decision for their circumstances.

How Much Does Crack Rehab Cost?

In general, outpatient treatment programs are less expensive than inpatient rehab. However, this can be deceptive. People who need more intensive levels of care or who face significant risk factors at home may have difficulty completing an outpatient program and drop out, only to come back and enroll again later. When considered over the longer term, inpatient treatment can be the most cost-effective option.

Some people may not need inpatient treatment right away and some may not meet admission criteria for it. However, those that do should be aware that some programs offer scholarships, financial assistance or payment programs to help prevent people from letting financial barriers prevent them from receiving the care that they need. Many outpatient programs offer similar financial aid options. Insurance plans often cover all levels of substance abuse treatment.

Does Insurance Cover Rehab for Crack Addiction?

Whether an insurance plan covers substance abuse treatment depends on several factors. The Paul Wellstone and Pete Domenici Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act of 2008 (MHPAEA) requires insurance plans to provide equal coverage of mental health and medical care. The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 (ACA) requires individual and small group plans to cover behavioral health care including addiction treatment. Large group plans can still legally exclude behavioral healthcare, though this is increasingly rare.

Many insurance plans only cover inpatient mental healthcare when certain qualifications are met. In the past, many plans would only cover it after people had made at least one attempt at outpatient treatment, though many are abolishing this practice to comply fully with the MHPAEA and ACA.

Health insurance plans are often complex and it can be difficult to understand what they cover without help. If you are struggling with crack cocaine addiction and need help to know whether your insurance covers rehab in the state of Washington, contact The Recovery Village Ridgefield. A representative can answer your questions and help you determine the level of care that you need.
