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Codeine Addiction Treatment and Rehab in Washington

Written by Erica Weiman

& Medically Reviewed by Rachel Loukas, PharmD

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Last Updated - 6/17/2022

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Codeine is an opioid medication that treats pain and cough. Codeine interacts with opioid receptors in the brain and suppresses nerve signals that transmit pain and the urge to cough. Codeine also causes the brain to release “feel-good chemicals” called endorphins.

These chemicals cause a sensation of pleasure and euphoria that people often describe as a “high.” Some people may use codeine recreationally to experience this high, which can lead to the development of a codeine use disorder.

When codeine is used to obtain a high or used beyond the prescribed dosage, codeine addiction treatment may be necessary. Treatment for a codeine addiction can help someone overcome codeine cravings and be free from potentially dangerous side effects.

Insurance May Cover the Cost of Rehab

Cost should not stop you from getting the help you need. See if your insurance is accepted at The Recovery Village.

Codeine Treatment

If someone has a codeine use disorder, treatment is likely necessary. While there are many different ways to treat addictions, most codeine addiction treatment options will include similar features.

Ceasing Codeine Use

Codeine addiction treatment begins with stopping codeine use. Doctors may recommend a taper, where codeine doses are gradually reduced over time. People can also complete a codeine detox, where they completely stop use when treatment starts.

Codeine Detox

The ideal codeine treatment approach depends on the individual and how much codeine they regularly use. During the initial stage of treatment, medical detox, the person is carefully monitored for signs of withdrawal. In a medical detox program,  codeine withdrawal symptoms can be quickly treated in a safe environment to reduce uncomfortable effects as codeine clears from the body.

Therapy and Transitioning to Further Treatment

The next stage of codeine addiction treatment involves transitioning to inpatient or outpatient care, which can include therapy and other treatments to help change addictive behaviors. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), for example, helps people understand the underlying motivations behind their behaviors and how they can refocus their goals. This stage of treatment also focuses on developing new coping mechanisms and treating the underlying issues leading to codeine abuse.

Aftercare Support

Once treatment is finished, addiction specialists typically provide follow-up aftercare planning to offer support and help individuals avoid relapse. Aftercare plans may include:

  • Follow-up medical appointments
  • Regular appointments with a local therapist
  • Maintenance medication therapy, if necessary
  • Recommendations for sober living housing
  • Recommendations for local support groups

Inpatient and Outpatient Codeine Addiction Treatment

Codeine addiction treatment often involves inpatient treatment or outpatient services, depending on an individual’s needs.

Inpatient Codeine Rehab

Inpatient treatment involves staying at a rehab facility overnight. This program allows continuous monitoring and treatment for withdrawal symptoms and a structured, full-day treatment schedule. Someone in this treatment program receives more intensive care and has professionals available at all times to address any issues or complications.

Inpatient care also allows the person seeking treatment to get out of their normal environment to live in a safe place that is more conducive to addiction recovery.

Many people wonder, “How long is inpatient treatment for codeine addiction?” The answer to this question varies based on the specific needs of the individual, but many inpatient programs last between four weeks and three months.

Inpatient treatment is normally appropriate for those with moderate to severe addictions or people who have tried to stop using codeine and relapsed.

Outpatient Codeine Rehab

Outpatient treatment is provided regularly during the week, but does not require checking into a facility. Outpatient care allows the person seeking treatment to maintain some of their daily activities (like work or school) while still getting the support they need to overcome their codeine use disorder.

Outpatient treatment may be appropriate for those with milder codeine addictions and a safe, supportive environment at home.

Codeine Addiction Treatment Centers in Washington

When someone is looking for codeine addiction treatment options, there are several factors that should be considered. These factors include:

  • Experience and accreditation: When selecting a treatment center, it is important to examine their experience, accreditation and reputation. Your treatment facility should be nationally accredited, with licensed doctors and therapists. Read client reviews and testimonials for further evidence.
  • Types of treatments: Some rehab facilities will only use specific types of treatments in which they specialize, while others will use a variety of treatments to provide an individualized treatment plan. A center that helps develop a unique plan based on the individual is best for positive outcomes.
  • Location: One benefit of rehab for codeine addiction is the environment. Inpatient facilities help people get away from the people, places and things that trigger them to misuse codeine. Many people choose a rehab center that is outside of their hometown and even their home state for this reason.
  • Cost of treatment: One important factor for many people is the cost of treatment, but finding a treatment center that is affordable or is covered by insurance is possible. Many treatment centers can verify your insurance with your provider and come up with a payment plan that is most comfortable for your needs.

How Much Does Codeine Rehab Cost?

One of the biggest obstacles for those wishing to begin treatment for their codeine addiction is the potential cost of treatment.

There are several potential options to make treatment more affordable:

  • Many health insurance plans cover a significant portion or even all treatment costs.
  • Medicare and Medicaid may also cover most of the cost of codeine rehab (The Recovery Village Ridgefield does not currently accept government-funded health care plans, including Medicare or Medicaid).
  • Many rehab facilities offer payment plans or arrangements that can help spread out the cost over time.
  • Some rehab facilities can help people access other resources to help reduce the cost of treatment.

We are here when you are ready.

Speak with a Recovery Advocate today to talk about your treatment options.

Does Insurance Cover Rehab for Codeine Addiction?

Many private health insurance plans will cover part or all of codeine addiction treatment, especially thanks to the Affordable Care Act. Health insurance coverage for rehab can vary greatly depending on individual circumstances and what the specific policy covers.

To know for sure whether a health insurance company or policy covers codeine rehab, contact the company directly to ask. The insurance company may cover specific codeine rehab programs at designated facilities.

At The Recovery Village Ridgefield, we work with most national and local private insurance companies to ensure as many people as possible can access rehab at our facility.

If you have questions about health care insurance coverage and whether it will help cover the cost of codeine rehab, contact us to learn more about what your insurance plan offers.

The Recovery Village Ridgefield has a strong track record for helping those with a codeine use disorder begin recovery. If you or a loved one are struggling with codeine addiction, consider reaching out to one of our compassionate, skilled team members to learn how we can help you start your path to recovery.


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