Alcohol-Related Deaths on the Rise in Oregon

If you or a loved one is struggling with addiction, help is available. Speak with a Recovery Advocate by calling (855) 602-7202 now.

Almost any substance can be harmful when taken to excess, but there is one legal mood-altering substance in Oregon that is causing an increase in deaths when casual consumption turns to harmful excess.

That substance is alcohol, which is being consumed for recreation but also as self-medication to treat psychiatric or medical conditions. While alcohol consumption is regulated in the state, Portland, Oregon rehab centers are experiencing an influx of patients needing treatment for excessive alcohol consumption. In an increasing number of cases, alcohol use is even turning deadly.

This article explores the increase in alcohol-related deaths in Oregon. What does this indicate about the prevalence of alcohol use disorder in the state? Where can Oregon residents suffering from alcohol use disorder get help?

Incidence of Alcohol-Related Deaths Increasing

According to the Oregon Health Authority (OHA), the most recent statistics available show regular use of alcohol in Oregon remains slightly under the national average.

However, the incidents of binge alcohol activity are higher than the U.S. average.

The study indicated actual dependence on alcohol to be more frequent – and steadily increasing. It also showed that the rate of admissions to Portland Oregon rehab centers in the region has increased by almost four times during the study years.

In Oregon today, 16 percent of all unintentional deaths were caused or contributed to by overuse of alcohol. Many of these individuals also used illegal narcotics, combining several substances in what was ultimately a lethal mix.

The study concluded:

There is an unmet need for treatment for alcohol and illicit drug abuse and dependency in Oregon with 2.7 percent of Oregonians reporting they had an unmet need for treatment for illicit drug use and 7.1 percent of Oregonians reporting they had an unmet need for treatment for alcohol.

An Oregon Public Health study showed these startling statistics from 2015:

  • 1,933 Oregonians, or 43 per every 100,000 people, died from alcohol-related causes that year.
  • These deaths occurred from chronic diseases, injury, and acute poisoning.
  • The rate of death illustrated a 38 percent overall increase in the number of alcohol-related deaths since 2001.

These statistics paint a grim portrait of a population struggling to cope. It does not show the sad human cost of these deaths on those left behind.

However, hope is just around the corner; rehab centers that serve Portland, Oregon residents can provide help before alcoholism can take a deadly toll.


Portland Residents Have Rehab Options

For people seeking treatment for alcohol addiction, The Recovery Village Ridgefield is devoted to helping Oregonians find a way to sobriety. Every year our team treats hundreds of people struggling with both alcohol and drug addiction. We help the people of Oregon and neighboring states learn the skills to cope with the underlying physical and mental addictions to these substances for a life-long process of recovery and health.

If you or any of your loved ones are struggling to break the chains of these diseases, we can help. Substance abuse is not the fault of the abuser, but instead the result of a disease that can be beaten with the right support. Contact us today to begin your journey back to good health.