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What’s the Difference Between Sobriety and Recovery in Seattle Rehab?

If you or a loved one is struggling with addiction, help is available. Speak with a Recovery Advocate by calling (855) 602-7202 now.

If you are “sober” and not in recovery, you may struggle to reach your goals of becoming less dependent on alcohol. That is because these are very different stages in the life of someone with alcohol use disorder. While sobriety is important, it is just the first step down a path toward recovery in a Seattle alcohol and drug rehab clinic.

This article explains the difference between sobriety and recovery and points out that they are both essential for gaining mastery over your addictions. Why is sobriety just one step on the road to recovery?

What is Sober Living?

Alcoholics seeking to “do-it-yourself” may try to get sober by simply avoiding alcohol. While that may work for a while, it typically does not address the underlying addiction. This may mean that you go through a series of sober periods followed by binges in an on-again/off-again cycle of addiction.

Psychology Today calls it “white knuckling” sobriety – a half-measure that often fails to get at the underlying structural and human components that really cause alcohol addiction.

The truth is that alcohol fills an internal void in the substance user, so the likelihood of replacing one addiction with another is high when the “sober” route is pursued. While stopping drinking is important, it is just the first step toward recovery in a Seattle alcohol and drug rehab facility.

How Is “Sober” Different from Being in Recovery?

Seeking treatment in a Seattle alcohol and drug rehab facility helps you handle the emotional, behavioral, and physical underpinnings of the disease. Sober is just that – it means you are not drinking. That is imperative for starting your recovery, but it is just the start of the journey.

Recovery, on the other hand, is a thorough self-discovery process that works through all the issues that led to the alcohol problem. While the underlying disorder is physical, the emotional distress that led to self-medicating with liquor is not. Seattle alcohol and drug rehab programs seek to address both issues. Recovery is a full-cycle process of healing the emotional wounds that led to alcoholism and the disease caused that.

Recovery seeks to heal the breaches between you and your loved ones. It also pursues behavioral changes that will help you cope with situations that make you want to pick up a drink. Recognizing the internal feelings that come with these situations really does not have anything to do with being sober, but sobriety is needed in order to confront these issues with a clear head.

While there are many routes toward recovery, sobriety is just the first step on a long journey of self-discovery, growth, and healing. Seattle alcohol and drug rehab facilities are designed to help with the inner and outer issues that led to substance use. These programs are designed to teach you the new skills necessary to change your life for the better. Seattle alcohol and drug rehab is a necessary part of improving your life.

If you are ready, we have been waiting for you. To learn more about admissions, contact us today!