Oregon Suicides Increase Almost 30 Percent, CDC Finds

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The rate of suicide increased across nearly all states from 1999 to 2016.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) revealed that from 1999 to 2016 the suicide rate in Oregon increased by 28.2 percent. Is substance misuse factoring into the statistic? What other factors are at play? Where can a person go for addiction and co-occurring disorder treatment near Oregon?

By the Numbers: CDC Report

The latest CDC report shows two people lose their lives every day in the state. But Oregon is not alone. The report showed that all but one state in the country experienced a big increase in suicides from the years 1999 to 2016. Suicide is now one of the leading causes of death in the country across all age brackets and socioeconomic brackets. The Washington Post reported on this trend. “In more than half of all deaths in 27 states, the people had no known mental health condition when they ended their lives.”

According to Oregon Live, in Oregon, public health officials are focusing on suicide prevention. Suicide is now the second leading cause of death for people aged five to 34. Men commit suicide more frequently; four out of five suicides are male. Oregon has one of the highest incidences of suicide in the United States.

What is causing this increase? Why does Oregon have such a high suicide rate?

Cause of Suicide Increase

Seventy percent of the people that died from suicide in Oregon had a diagnosed substance use disorder, alcohol addiction or a mental disorder.

The CDC says, “…suicide is rarely caused by any single factor.” The organization suggests other mitigating factors could include:

  • Relationship problems, or a recent divorce or breakup
  • Physical health deterioration or disease diagnosis
  • Job troubles, a layoff or problems at work
  • Money troubles and financial crisis
  • A criminal arrest or legal problems
  • Housing stress, such as a foreclosure

The CDC report surmises suicides from opioid overdoses came close to doubling during their study period and that individuals using drugs had up to a 60 percent higher risk of committing or considering suicide.

The Oregon community must work together to address the problem.

Interestingly, one expert from the National Institute of Mental Health was quoted in the Washington Post as suggesting that 90 percent of the people that commit suicide have evidence of a mental health condition. While these issues are often not yet diagnosed clinically, interviews with family members and loved ones may reveal the telltale signs of a disorder.

Oregon Drug Rehab and Suicide Prevention

The Oregon drug rehab community is committed to improving these numbers. The CDC suggests some preventative measures that could potentially stem this public health crisis. Organizations and community members must:

  • Identify at-risk individuals and provide them with needed support
  • Work to teach problem-solving and coping mechanisms and skills to help people manage crisis and big life challenges in their jobs, finances, health and lives
  • Help to reduce stress at work and promote safer environments, like storing guns and medications properly
  • Build communities that encourage community so people feel less alone
  • Improve options for people struggling to make ends meet

States can help by providing more services to people struggling with unemployment. Healthcare systems and the Oregon drug rehab community can increase access to a hotline or online crisis counseling services. Communities can also work to communicate what to watch for in the person considering suicide. The CDC says to look for:

  • Social isolation
  • Increasing anxiety
  • Feeling like a burden
  • Feeling trapped or in unbearable pain
  • Increased substance use
  • Increasing mood swings
  • Anger and rage
  • Sleeping too much or too little
  • Making plans for suicide or expressing a desire to take their life

Whether the cause of suicide was co-occurring conditions, such as a mental health disorder like depression and a substance use disorder, or another cause, the Oregon drug rehab community must do everything possible to reverse this trend. Providing addiction treatment is a way community organizations can improve the chances that fewer suicides occur. Ensuring certain affordable and evidence-based mental and behavioral health treatment is available to Oregon, and around the nation, can ultimately save lives.

If you are currently living with addiction and thinking about suicide, please reach out to the Recovery Village Ridgefield today to speak with someone who can help. Our compassionate intake coordinators can help you learn more about admissions and treatment options that will provide you with relief.